Cloud DevOps Engineer with a proficiency in .NET(C#) web/microservices development.
I follow a three-tier approach to produce code that is resusable, extensible, and maintainable.
.NET REST API manages a database of ascii braille special symbols as defined by the International Council on English Braille (ICEB) - https://iceb.org/symbsc2.html
Used to generate the Special Symbols Page as required by the Braille Authority of North America (BANA).
Swagger documentation follows Open API Specification standards.
Architecture: Repository Pattern
A knowledge base of .NET(C#) coding and web development articles.
Implements identity/role based access and rendering with a Google SMTP email verification service.
Architecture: Data Access Object
Evaluates the coverage health of a franchise by determining which locations (in a provided csv file) are farthest apart.
Explores Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree to filter locations that can pass through other locations.
Leverages Unit tests (TDD) to manage scope changes as the app evolves over time.
Architecture: Data Access Object
Software Engineering demands a collaboration of minds to work towards a common cause. I pursued this path because I wanted to make a positive impact on people's lives though technological advances. We are superheroes. We are a community of innovators that can make the world safer, easier, and better.
Let's set up a coffee chat, I would love to hear from you!